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Why Aluminum-Based Deodorant Sucks

You might have heard of people switching to natural deodorant, but are you really sure that it will do the trick? While the amount of aluminum found in conventional deodorant is relatively small, if you are sensitive to aluminum, switching to a natural product may be the best solution for you.

Aluminum is an important component of antiperspirants, and it helps prevent sweating by inhibiting the growth of bacteria on the skin. It also reduces the odor a person creates when they perspire. But did you know that aluminum is also linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease?

While many studies have found no connection between aluminium and breast cancer, there are several studies that suggest an association. Most of these studies are open-access and written in plain English. But the results of the previous study show that aluminium can interfere with mammogram results. If you’re interested in knowing if aluminium has any health risks, make sure to read this article first.

Another problem with aluminum-based deodorant is that it can cause stains on shirts. It rubs off onto clothes and leaves behind a smear that’s difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are now aluminum-free deodorants that won’t leave those unsightly stains.

The National Kidney Foundation recommends avoiding deodorants that contain aluminum if you have kidney disease. This is because patients with stage 4 kidney disease have a lower rate of functioning kidneys, and the amount of aluminum in their bodies can increase their risk of kidney failure. Furthermore, elevated levels of aluminum in the body from chronic dialysis can lead to weakened bones, a condition known as osteomalacia. Additionally, high aluminum levels in the blood may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Another problem with aluminum-based deodorant is the fact that it negatively impacts the human microbiome. This is because aluminum inhibits the growth of healthy bacteria. In addition, aluminum-free deodorant has more interesting scents and may be better suited for those who are sensitive to aluminum.

In addition to the negative effects of aluminum, women using aluminum-based antiperspirants may have a greater risk of developing breast cancer. The area closest to the armpit is where most breast cancers occur, so aluminum-based deodorants are not a great way to prevent this disease. Additionally, antiperspirants contain chemicals that may interact with DNA or interfere with the female hormone estrogen.

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